<strong>Linke Kulicki</strong> Law Firm.<br />
<strong>Legal innovative</strong> <br />
for modern business.

Linke Kulicki Law Firm.
Legal innovative
for modern business.

The key areas of expertise of our firm include New Technology Law,
Companies Law, IT Contracts Law and Investment agreements.

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Latest legal publications
Foundation registration in Poland

Can Polish Foundations Process Personal Data? Legal Guide

Foundations are an important part of the third sector of the economy. Their main task is to pursue socially or economically useful objectives. To a limited extent, they also have the possibility to carry out economic activities. However, the status of foundations is specific, hence the frequent doubt that arises on the part of the founder regarding the processing of personal data. Can foundations process personal data and how should they protect it?

Open a Company in Poland

Proxy Responsibility vs. Board Member Responsibility

It may seem that being a member of the board of directors of a limited company is all about perks. However, while the position is indeed usually followed by a number of benefits and attractive remuneration, strict liability should not be overlooked. Perhaps it is then better to become a proxy in a limited liability company? We explain the liability of a board member and a proxy in a limited liability company.