Business law

Business lawyer Warsaw

Legal services for entrepreneurs at the highest level

Managing a business requires a high level of engagement and activity in different fields. One of such fields, which raises many doubts and takes lots of precious time, is business law. The current regulations are often ambiguous, and provisions of the law turn out to be difficult to implement in reality. Entrusting legal issues to experts in the field to be able to focus on developing the business side of your company is a decision worth considering. It gives you a higher sense of security and the certainty that your business operates properly. Running a business is much easier with the support of an experienced lawyer.

Our Law Firm offers professional legal counsel for entrepreneurs. We work with small and medium-sized businesses and we provide professional support to large enterprises as well. We support businesses by providing preventive measures and offer solutions in case of arising issues which require rapid action.

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Kancelaria Prawna Warszawa

Professional Legal Assistance Warsaw

Legal advice to businesses - what do we offer?

The scope of Linke Kulicki Law Firm services in the field of business law is broad as we are aware that entrepreneurs require different sorts of support. We represent companies before public authorities while securing their best interests. We act on behalf of entrepreneurs in White Collar Crime penal proceedings regarding, among others, the following economic crimes: credit and subsidy fraud, acting to the detriment of a company, or money laundering.

The legal services we provide to Clients include conducting extensive audits. They allow us to verify if the activities undertaken by a company are compliant with the laws and internal regulations. Legal audits allow us to indicate potential threats and give a basis for implementing effective solutions with the purpose of eliminating any existing infringements.

As an experienced law firm, we offer professional counsel in the area of different legal issues which are crucial to a business. We specialize in banking and insurance, antitrust, and tax law. In addition, we support companies in the scope of distributing financial services.


Obsługa prawna firm i spółek Warszawa

Business law is an area that requires extraordinary negotiation skills. We have been working in this sector for many years, and our experience and professionalism sets us apart from our competitors. We provide legal support to businesses by taking part in negotiations with private entities and public authorities. We strive to satisfy the claims of all sides and achieve a beneficial settlement.

A rapidly growing business needs legal support. Without the presence of an experienced business lawyer, it’s difficult to achieve satisfactory results. Trust our knowledge and experience. Linke Kulicki Law Firm will provide you with effective support in running your business. We will take care of all questionable issues and guarantee support in different branches of the law.



Our experienced team of Polish Attorneys and Lawyers
Attorney at law Jan Linke / Attorney at law Warsaw / Lawyer Warsaw / Linke Kulicki Law Firm
Jan Linke
Attorney-at-law | Partner

Partner, President of the Management Board. Attorney-at-law specialized in the broad scope of business law, with a particular interest in corporate governance. Between 2021 and 2021 associated with the Aviva Group, where he was responsible for providing legal counsel to Aviva Group and took a seat on the board of Aviva PTE. Within his engagement with Aviva, he was assigned to the legal M&A team based in London. Prior to Aviva, he was also employed within the legal department of Nationale Nederlanden. He holds a seat within the Professional Conduct Commission of the Warsaw Bar Association.

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Jan Linke
Radosław Giler

Attorney at Linke Kulicki Law Firm. Completed attorney apprenticeship by the District Bar Association in Warsaw. Litigation lawyer in cases related to the broad scope of civil law, particularly commercial and inheritance law. Experienced in the field of real-estate development. He serves business entities and local governments. He utilizes his passion and knowledge of penal law mainly in fiscal offenses cases. His honesty, great communication skills, and individual, often unconventional approach to cases are much appreciated by his Clients.

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Jan Linke
Łukasz Jastrzębski

Lawyer at Linke Kulicki Law Firm specialized in fiscal law. He gathered experiences at renowned tax and legal advisory firms. He provides counsel in the scope of income taxes and VAT, both to Polish and international entities. He has valuable experience in fiscal planning and corporate restructuring, current tax advisory, drafting applications for tax rulings, and conducting tax audits. He has been working in this field since 2016, especially with construction, trade, and IT companies, and local governments.

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Client Testimonials

What our Clients say?

Polecam Kancelarię Linke Kulicki w sprawach doradztwa związanego z umowami IT. Kancelaria dysponuje specjalistami, którzy doskonale rozumieją specyfikę branży i są w stanie szybko opracować adekwatną strategię działania. Dodatkowo, w swoich rekomendacjach Kancelaria zachowuje wysoką dojrzałość, wchodzi w rolę mediatora oraz stara się znajdować rozwiązania zadowalające wszystkie strony, dzięki czemu tworzy szansę zakończenia negocjacji sukcesem.

Razem z Kancelarią Linke Kulicki tworzyliśmy wiele umów wdrożeniowych dla naszego software house’u. Zawsze profesjonalnie, z dbałością o szczegóły i komentarzem, co dane postanowienie oznacza. Cenimy ich proaktywną postawę, zrozumienie naszego biznesu i wzorcową komunikację.

Kancelaria Linke Kulicki posiada duże doświadczenie w praktycznych aspektach kontraktacji prac IT. Dzięki jego pomocy udało nam się wyjść z impasu negocjacyjnego dotyczącego praw własności, procedur odbioru prac oraz warunków utrzymania.

Kancelaria Linke Kulicki od dawna obsługuje CodeApps zarówno jeśli chodzi o przygotowanie umów, jak i wsparcie merytoryczne. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z tej współpracy, która od początku przebiega bardzo profesjonalnie. Łukasz rozumie specyfikę naszej branży i jest dla nas dostępny zawsze, gdy go potrzebujemy.