New Technology Law

Law of new technologies

Best Law Firms for Technology Law

The new technology industry is a particularly demanding field, both in terms of the new techniques and solutions which keep popping up, and in terms of legal issues. Technology is developing at a faster pace than the law, which leads to ambiguities and provides space for doubts. In many cases, the legislators haven’t yet defined the proper rules, which could be followed in each particular instance. This, on the other hand, makes the role of tech lawyers invaluable. Their job is not only to skillfully ensure compliance with the current regulations but also to prepare you for the incoming legislature.

New technologies form a sector of commerce that requires the extraordinary engagement of a law firm. We know that in this industry it’s not just the knowledge that counts, but also creativity and following trends. We do everything in our power to provide the highest possible level of professional services to the new technologies sector.

Kancelaria Prawna Warszawa

Legal support for the new technologies sector

New tech law - the Law Firm to meet your needs

The Linke Kulicki Law Firm offers comprehensive support to Clients operating in the new technology sector. We provide the legal support required in the process of carrying out Artificial Intelligence and Big Data projects. Our activities include drawing up beneficial contracts and providing counsel in the scope of business law.

We provide legal counsel to companies in the following fields: FinTech, InsurTech, MarTech, eHealth, and Internet of Things (IoT). We know the reality of the markets in which these companies operate, which allows us to offer suitable and effective legal solutions bespoke as each Client requires.

The scope of our activities also includes providing legal advice regarding conducting Initial Coin Offerings (ICO). We conduct detailed evaluations of the given ICO model and make sure the project complies with all legal regulations.

We also have substantial experience in the field of implementing cryptocurrencies. We provide support in the process of setting up cryptocurrency marketplaces and exchange services, including obtaining the necessary permits and licenses.

New technologies are one of our fields of expertise. The Linke Kulicki Law Firm represents entities operating in this sector of the economy before public authorities. We also prepare legal opinions in the scope of new tech. We provide a comprehensive service to secure all of their legal interests.

We have extensive experience and broad knowledge in the scope of supporting entities which are operating in the new technologies sector. Our professionalism, thoroughness, and individual approach to each Client’s case set us apart from the competition. Our staff constantly gains knowledge and skills. We keep up with the current of changes in the tech industry, knowing that this is the only way to provide comprehensive legal support to your business



Our experienced team of Polish Attorneys and Lawyers
Attorney at law Jan Linke / Attorney at law Warsaw / Lawyer Warsaw / Linke Kulicki Law Firm
Jan Linke
Attorney-at-law | Partner

Partner, President of the Management Board. Attorney-at-law specialized in the broad scope of business law, with a particular interest in corporate governance. Between 2021 and 2021 associated with the Aviva Group, where he was responsible for providing legal counsel to Aviva Group and took a seat on the board of Aviva PTE. Within his engagement with Aviva, he was assigned to the legal M&A team based in London. Prior to Aviva, he was also employed within the legal department of Nationale Nederlanden. He holds a seat within the Professional Conduct Commission of the Warsaw Bar Association.

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Attorney at law Lukasz Kulicki / Attorney at law Warsaw / Lawyer Warsaw / Linke Kulicki Law Firm
Łukasz Kulicki
Attorney-at-law | Partner

Attorney-at-law, Partner at Linke Kulicki Law Firm specializes in providing legal services to companies in the IT, new technology, and internet industries, as well as entities undergoing digital transformation. He is an expert in negotiating IT contracts, especially implementation agreements, agreements for the provision of IT services (including cloud-based services), and body-leasing contracts. He also provides counsel within the scope of personal data protection (GDPR), e-commerce, and intellectual property law. Member of the expert team for utilizing new technologies in commercial law within the Ministry of National Assets Owner Supervision Reform Commission. Analyst dealing with legal aspects of civil changes caused by the development of new technologies at the Security Research Center of the War Studies Academy.

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Client Testimonials

What our Clients say?

Polecam Kancelarię Linke Kulicki w sprawach doradztwa związanego z umowami IT. Kancelaria dysponuje specjalistami, którzy doskonale rozumieją specyfikę branży i są w stanie szybko opracować adekwatną strategię działania. Dodatkowo, w swoich rekomendacjach Kancelaria zachowuje wysoką dojrzałość, wchodzi w rolę mediatora oraz stara się znajdować rozwiązania zadowalające wszystkie strony, dzięki czemu tworzy szansę zakończenia negocjacji sukcesem.

Razem z Kancelarią Linke Kulicki tworzyliśmy wiele umów wdrożeniowych dla naszego software house’u. Zawsze profesjonalnie, z dbałością o szczegóły i komentarzem, co dane postanowienie oznacza. Cenimy ich proaktywną postawę, zrozumienie naszego biznesu i wzorcową komunikację.

Kancelaria Linke Kulicki posiada duże doświadczenie w praktycznych aspektach kontraktacji prac IT. Dzięki jego pomocy udało nam się wyjść z impasu negocjacyjnego dotyczącego praw własności, procedur odbioru prac oraz warunków utrzymania.

Kancelaria Linke Kulicki od dawna obsługuje CodeApps zarówno jeśli chodzi o przygotowanie umów, jak i wsparcie merytoryczne. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z tej współpracy, która od początku przebiega bardzo profesjonalnie. Łukasz rozumie specyfikę naszej branży i jest dla nas dostępny zawsze, gdy go potrzebujemy.