
Employee Poaching: How to Handle Competitors Stealing Talent?

In an era of exponentially growing demand for experienced specialists in various fields, access to developers, digital marketers, lawyers is crucial for gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage in the market. However, when professionals start to become scarce, companies look for a way to ‘poach’ such an employee from their rivals. We explain what employee poaching is, whether it is legal and, above all, how to effectively defend against it.


EBITDA – what is EBITDA and why does it matter?

The value of a business can be expressed in many ways and using different types of indicators. One of these is EBITDA, whose popularity began back in the 1990s and is still considered by many managers to be one of the main predictors of business success. What exactly is EBITDA and how is it calculated?


VC funding for startups – how to get venture capital funding?

Starting a business usually requires originators to obtain an external source of financing to allow market expansion. For young companies, leasing or credit are unavailable or financial institutions grant them on unfavourable terms. Business Angels, but also Venture Capital funds can be an alternative. Let’s take a look at the last of these. How to get VC funding?


Vesting of shares in a startup – what is share vesting?

Startups are a business model that very often relies on the knowledge of qualified staff. However, it does not always have enough capital immediately to be able to offer key employees attractive remuneration. One mechanism to motivate professionals to work harder and commit to the business is share vesting. What does this solution consist of?


Venture Studio – what is it and how do you build one?

The continuing popularity of start-ups and the changing economic environment is causing originators to seek ever new ways of support. The origins of venture building can be traced back to the end of the last century, when IdeaLab from the United States supported the development of almost a hundred businesses and listed many of them on the stock exchange. Let’s take a look at what venture building is and how to build a venture studio?


The Digital Services Act (DSA) – who does it apply to?

For a long time, digital services provided to consumers across borders could not wait for a compact and comprehensive legal regulation. A regulation known as the Digital Services Act is about to enter into force to fill this gap and ensure legal consistency across the Community. We look at the scope of the new regulation. Who does it affect and what does it actually change?


Smart contracts – what is it and how it works?

Blockchain technology is much more than cryptocurrencies. It is commonly used for smart contracts, which allow transactions to be automated while maintaining a high level of security. How do blockchain-based contracts work and what is worth knowing about them?


Body leasing: what is it and what does it consist of?

Body leasing, often seen as an alternative to outsourcing, is particularly popular in the IT sector. It allows IT staff to be quickly replenished without the need for time-consuming recruitment and the high costs associated with hiring a full-time employee. What is body leasing and when is it worth opting for it? Is body leasing a better solution than outsourcing?